Course Details:
Vehicles are key in close-quarters combat (CQB), making Vehicle CQB (VCQB) training essential for military, law enforcement, private security, and armed civilians.
The course covers combat inside and around vehicles, including shooting techniques, proper stances, car evacuation, using cover, countering ambushes, and engaging adversaries, all tested through Force-On-Force scenarios.
The Course covers the following topics:
• Safety Rules
• Theory
• Methods of weapon carry inside a vehicle
• Shooting through glass windows
• Shooting from vehicle/shooting inside the vehicle
• Choice of targets
• Use of Cover
• Car Evacuation Tactics
• Team Drills
• Counter Carjacking attempts
• Ambush/Counter-ambush
This Course will be taught using theoretical and practical exercises. The lectures will be conducted in classroom and on the shooting range.
Definitely a necessary course for:
• Patrol personnel (Police-Military)
• CPOs
• PSDs/ PMCs
• Security Drivers
• People working/living in High-Risk Areas
• Civilian responsible armed citizens
Required gear
Tactical Belt
Clothing appropriate for climate and conditions Shooting glasses
Shooting ear protection like earmuffs, earplugs
Skill prerequisites**
This Course requires earlier training and/or experience in the subject. Candidate should complete Combined Firearms or PMC course prior attending this course. TSC accepts active or former Law Enforcement or Military personnel to attend this training. TSC will accept current MSO or PMC operatives. Applicants need to present valid criminal record check or its equivalent.
3 Days with 400rds Approx